Research & Annual Letters

Research & Investment Decisions
Our research process is based on following more than 500 companies in 55 industries. In addition, our fixed-income research is based on following corporate, state, and municipality underwriting activity as well as government monetary policy. Our principals undertake all research using a “bottom-up” process to evaluate a company’s prospects and how our various positions will work together in the context of an overall portfolio.

A drive to identify true fundamental value.

Fee Structure
Our annual fee for equity portfolios is based on a percentage of assets under management that ranges from 1.0% to 1.5%. Our annual fee for fixed-income portfolios ranges from 0.75% to 1.5% of assets under management. We adjust fees accordingly for clients whose investment objective balances fixed income and equity securities. Founders quotes a fee percentage for each client depending on size of account(s) and individual circumstances. A minimum of $100,000 of assets under management is required for portfolio management services.

(This account size may be negotiable for related accounts and under certain circumstances.)

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